Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Stop/Start/Move Service - Commercial Accounts

Enova Power
301 Victoria Street South
Kitchener Ontario N2G 4L2


Tell us what you want to do.
What type of Account
Please confirm your preferred method of contact.

Enova Power

I, the owner or tenant make application for electric service at the above referenced service address.  I agree to pay, jointly and severally, for all rates and charges for said service supplied to the service address and agree to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Corporation.

If the Applicant is a company, the signing officer(s) warrants that he/she has authority to bind the company.  The undersigned acknowledges that a Contract will exsist upon acceptance of the Application by the Corporation.  The application will be assumed to be accepted by the Corporation unless otherwise notified within 10 business days.


By submitting this for you agree to the Rules and Regulations. 


I agree
Comfirmation of account set up will follow when application is processed


If you require this form in an alternate format, please call us at 226-896-1010 or email us at . 

All information submitted will be used by Enova Power in support of its obligations under the Electricity Act, 1998 and the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, applicable Ontario Energy Board Codes and Rules, associated policies, standards and procedures and its license. This information is being collected and used for billing and auditing purposes only. All submitted information will be assigned to the appropriate confidentiality level on receipt. This information will be retained by Enova Power and may be subject to review by the Minister of Finance and/or the Ontario Energy Board pursuant to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.

Before you submit, please take a moment to review and verify that all information provided on this form is correct.